You know the one. Weird shirts. Boy's shoes. Riding a bike without a left pedal. The one who could be counted on to be the only one being yelled by the teacher for disrupting the class. I was probably walking backwards in line or something.
I gloss over all that strange, annoying behavior by telling myself I was a rebel. Not following directions was my 8- year -old way of lashing out at the establishment. Yeah, right.
Crochet lets you be a rebel but over the last 30 years I've learned that there is a time and place to rebel. And there's a time to follow the directions. This is one of those times.
I had attempted this sweater before, not minding the warning not to use acrylic. Not paying as close attention to the pattern as I should have...and as expected it was a big. giant. disaster.
So, I had enough of a really great yarn to try it again. I also had something to prove.