Things I've Learned:
You can make a garment and dye it, rather than bending a yarn to your will. Like so:
It's okay to make things you wouldn't necessarily wear just for the practice because you may end up liking them enough to wear them:

And I can probably get away with this at work. This was actually entered for judging at the Allentown Fair last weekend along with the toilet paper cozy, a baby set, a sushi pillow, a shawl, and some other things I can't remember right now.
Other fun stuff:
You can soak a doily with dye or this cool Bingo dotter-style stuff called Tee Juice and print it onto a T-shirt by rolling a soda bottle across it. My only recommendation on that one is to use a dollar store doily rather than spending a couple of days making one just to ruin it on purpose. For a twist, lay a funky stencil over the t-shirt or layout a couple of random words in art tape before you lay the down the doily. You'll have a neat image in the doily that might not be readily visible unless someone looks really close. (Photos to come.)
Next time: The Frankensweater!
(Piecing a new design from patterns you've mastered to make something awesome.)
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